Sunday, August 22, 2010

What We Are

I host a Mommy and Me Book Club at my home once a week for an hour and a half, 10am-11:30am. This year our group of little ones are 3 years old. I do not charge for the class or my lesson plans. I love teaching preschool aged children and have fun doing it!

I invite 7 other Mommies and their little ones to join us. I think 5 to 8 pairs is ideal, depending on your space. Some years we have had enough interest to host 3 groups of 6 pairs.

Each class includes a gathering activity, circle time where we introduce the Book of the Week,an art activity (fine motor), a snack, and a game (gross motor). Each of these are related to the Book of the Week. We transition based on the children's interest in the activity, not the clock. We end with our class "Good-bye Poem."

I email out the lesson plans each week to all of the Mommies. They email a response to all with the activity they would like to be responsible for that week. I always do circle time, and try once or twice a month to do one of the other activities as well. We have a fantastic group of Mommies who are always willing to help out, so I don't have to do too much, actually.

I will post individual sections that explain each time period in detail, but below is a loose time frame. I hesitate to even include it, because we really do transition based on children's interest. Some weeks we only get to three of the four activities, some weeks we have enough extra time for free play in the back yard.

Our VERY Flexible Schedule

9:55am-10:10am-Gathering Activity: Families arrive and get settled in. Children participate in the gathering activity while Mommies get supplies they brought with them set up.

10:10am-10:30am-Circle Time: Includes Songs, fingerplays, and BOOK OF THE WEEK

10:35am-10:55am-Art Activity and clean up



11:25am-11:30am-Good-bye circle, gather projects to take home, etc...


  1. Love your site and all your ideas-they are just great!!! Would you mind providing the words to your opening song-Here we are together & good-bye poem? I'm anxious to try so many of these ideas with our newly formed book club.


  2. Great ideas! I just found your blog today through Pinterest & I am thinking about trying this with some mommies I know.
    Seriously my new favorite blog!

  3. Thank you so much, Erin! Please let me know if you do start up your own Mommy and Me Book Club! Feel free to ask me any questions you might have!!!

  4. Hi Danielle,

    I'm new to reading your blog and have a perfect book for your Book Club! Seasons, Rhymes in Time is a children's book with beautiful watercolor art and nine original, toe-tapping songs that go with the song poems.. fun activities, enjoyment in learning.. it's great for Mommy and Me! May I send you one? Please let me know!

    In the meantime, you can check out the book at

    (And apologies for posting in a comment; I wanted to share but couldn't find how to contact you)


  5. Hi, I have been inspired by your site. You mention you email out lesson plans. Would you mind sharing what they look like when you email them out? Thanks!

  6. I was wondering how much it typically cost you to host each week. I'd like to do something like this but afraid of the cost being too much unless I ask for a small amount to assist with food and crafts.


Thank you for your comments! I love hearing from the readers of my blog. It makes my day! I have recently had a lot of inappropriate spam that has snuck through, so I am turning on the moderation of comments for a short time, to see if it helps. I am so sorry for any inconvience this may cause, but I want to remain a family friendly blog. -Danielle @Mommy and Me Book Club