Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Commotion in the Ocean

This week's activities were inspired by Giles Andreae's book Commotion in the Ocean.
It was our last week of Mommy and Me of the school year.  (But we will be doing book inspired play dates all summer with all 3 of my children)!

Gathering: Ocean sensory bin

We were inspired by a cute ocean themed sensory bin at The Picky Apple and made our own with ocean themed items at our house.  

Circle Time

We read Commotion in the Ocean during  circle time.  This is a fun book that features many different animals that live in the ocean.  Each animal is given its own page and witty poem to describe its features.  The poems are short and funny.  The book kept our preschoolers attention, which is a big deal considering they were all wearing swimsuits and excited about swimming! 

We did the traditional finger play "Fish Story."

"One, two, three, four, five -
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten -
Then I let it go again.
Why did I let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
The little finger on the right."

Art: Paper Towel Roll Octopus
One of my favorite blogs is Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas.  When I saw this adorable octopus, I knew it would have to be our craft to go with Commotion in the Ocean! 

 Snack: Blue Ocean Yogurt Snack with Fishies and Cookie Sand

We were inspired by these cute fishy snacks at Welcome Baby.  The kids loved them! 

Activity: Swimming
One of our Mommy and Me friends invited us to swim in their pool.  It was the perfect way to end a wonderful year together! 


  1. I love your activities! What a fun craft! We love this book at our house.

  2. Hadn't hear of "Commotion in the Ocean" before but I am adding it to our library list. My 2.5 year old will LOVE doing the follow up activities too. They are perfect for summer. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. This is going to go great with my Ocean Pack I'm putting out tomorrow! Such fun ideas!

  4. what a great set of activities to go with the book. I love the sensory bin and the octopus craft - might have to pop to the pet shop for some aquarium pebbles

  5. Love this. What a great activities and snack = fun day.

  6. So much fun!!!! I love all the different ways to paint your octopus! A book they will love forever I'm sure of it! Off to go make a little ocean sensory bin for my littlest one :)

  7. I love how you extend the book in so many playful ways!

  8. I'm so excited that I've found your blog. It's a goldmine!

  9. Love, love, love the Octopus activity. How clever.

  10. My boys love this book. We have to do some of these activities!!!


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