Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Go Away Big Green Monster

Go Away, Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley


Gathering Activity: Two Monster Sensory Bins

Squishy Green Monster Eyes

Inspired by I Can Teach My Child, I bought green water beads from the Wal-mart floral department for the kids to explore.  They LOVED it.  The had so much fun squishing the "bubbles,"  and so did the moms!  They are addictive!  They are non-toxic and easy to clean up, even when they smash them. They come in a small package in many colors.  You add water and allow them to expand over night. 

Green Monster Sensory Bin

I created a sensory bin using shiny green gift filler, green boa feathers, googly eyes, and monster teeth.   The children had fun hiding and finding the eyes over and over again.  

Circle Time: Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley

Sing "Here We Are Together"

We read Go Away Big Green Monster together.    I love the layered illustrations, that build the monster a page at a time and then disappears a page at a time.  The kids love telling him to "GO AWAY!"  

Songs and Fingerplays:

I found cute monster finger puppets in the party section at Target.  I bought two packs.  The children enjoyed using these in our finger play today.   

Five little monsters went to play
Across the yard and far away
Mama Monster yelled really loud
“Little Monsters, come back now.”
(Repeat with numbers 4, 3, 2, and 1)
No little monsters came back then.
What could they be hiding in?
Mama Monster checked the yard
Five Little Monsters were playing hard.

I'm a Little Monster
(to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot")
I'm a little monster, can't you see?
Everyone is scared of me.
Scared of me, I don't know why ...
I wouldn't even hurt a fly!

Art: Paper Plate Monsters

Materials Needed: Green Paper Plates, googly eyes, sticky foam pieces, feathers, colored pasta, glue, tissue paper, glue

Directions: Let the children create their own monsters using materials.

Snacks: Green Monster Pudding and Green Monster Cupcakes

Green Monster Pudding:  We found this super cute idea on the Better Homes and Garden Website.  The children loved it! 

Green Monster Cupcakes: One of our little friends had a birthday today and her mom made these awesome cupcakes!  The hair is piped chocolate she let harden.  The mouth and nose are fruit strips.  

Activity: Pin the Eyes on the Monster Game
One of our dads pitched in and made this large green monster for the children to "pin" googly eye balls on.  Thanks, Sam's Dad! 


  1. LOVE this - what a fun book club gathering! We adore that book and your sensory bins & snacks were fabulous!!!

    Would love for you to link up on the Sunday Showcase -


  2. Hooray! Thanks for sharing at our Best of October link up. What a fun day. I may need to replicate this with my little ones... I LOVE the cupcakes and pudding and the googly eye game is fabulous! What an awesome dad to make such a cool monster.

  3. Hi There! I had just thought of the idea for a preschool book club to help encourage preliteracy skills (I am s speech pathologist) and came across your blog. LOVE IT! I will have to become a follower! Looking forward to starting up my own group. Thanks so much for sharing your ideas!

  4. Hello ! I am a French teacher and I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed to read this page (I was looking for ideas as I'm about to study "Go away big green monster"). Above all, I loved the idea of the sensory bins ! Thank you !

  5. Hello ! I am a French teacher and I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed to read this page (I was looking for ideas as I'm about to study "Go away big green monster"). Above all, I loved the idea of the sensory bins ! Thank you !

  6. Hello ! I'm a French teacher and I was looking for some ideas as I want to study this book with my pupils. Well, I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love what you did from the book "Go away big green monster !". Above all the sensory bins are an amazing idea and I just wanted to thank you for sharing it !


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