Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Little Red Hen

Gathering Activity:  Barn Fun

We played with the Fisher Price Little People Barn and animals while we waited for our friends to arrive.

Circle Time:  The Little Red Hen

We read the traditional version of the story of The Little Red Hen.  The kids enjoyed the story.  We had a good talk at the end of the book about how it wasn't very polite for the red hen to offer the bread, if she knew she wasn't going to share. 

We sang Old McDonald Had a Farm. 

We also sang this song to the tune of "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush."
"This is the way we plant our early in the morning."
"This is the way we water our plant....."
"This is the way we reap the wheat...."
"This is the way we grind the wheat..."
"This is the way we make the bread..."
"This is the way we eat the bread..."

Snack and Activity: Making Biscuits

We made biscuits together with the kids from scratch.  Just use your favorite biscuit recipe.  We also ate some of our jam from last week! 

Art: Little Red Hens

While our biscuits were baking, we made these adorable hens we found on Making Learning Fun.  We made them our own by painting them red and gluing red feathers and googly eyes.  I LOVED the way these turned out! 

We had planned on playing Animal Sound Bingo with the children when we were finished with snack and art, but they all wanted to go back and play with the Little People Barn.  So...we let them!  

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